La Cuisine Verte Wellness (formerly CanOmega Industries Inc.), a member
of the Canadian Health Food Association, produces in Canada and sells
globally premium nutraceutical human health supplements that support
improved heart and brain health.
Our entire La
Cuisine Verte Omega-3 product line adheres to strict production
standards, as evidenced by our Health Canada certification and extensive Natural Health Products Database natural
product registrations (NPNs). Additionally, we have been approved
under a Health Canada Export License to sell our DPA Pure brand Omega-3
product in China for over 10 years. |
La Cusine Verte, we use only the highest quality natural ingredients in
the production of our unique line of animal and vegetable based Omega-3
health supplements.
exclusive DHA Pure supplement offers the highest bioavailability levels
of any fish oil omega3 product on the market, while our flax oil omega
health supplements are 100% vegan. The oil used in our DPA Pure
supplement is refined from mature harp seals only, culled annually from
Canadian Atlantic waters in strict accordance with federally regulated
quotas. These quotas are established annually by Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans based on closely monitored, sustainable seal populations.
Take a look at our range of Santé La Cuisine Verte Wellness products.
We're sure you'll find one that fits your personal omega health needs.